What Does the Name Elliott Mean Elliott Baby Boy Name Mean


Elliott Proper name Study

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Surnames/tags: Elliott Elliot Eliot

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  • 2 Goals
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This is a I Proper noun Study to collect together in ane identify everything virtually one surname and the variants of that name. The promise is that other researchers like yous will bring together our study to aid make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cantankerous or intersect.

Task List

  • Research and discuss the origin of the proper name Elliott.
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Elliott Proper noun Origin

Elliot (also spelled Eliot, Elliott, Eliott and Elyot) is a personal proper noun which tin serve equally either a surname or a given name. Although the given name was historically given to males, females named Elliot have increased from 414 in 2009 to 770 in 2013, in United States. :The origin of the surname is obscure, perhaps due to much of the genealogy of the Eliott clan being burnt in the destruction of the castle at Stobs in 1712 AD. The clan gild normally accepts that the name originated from the boondocks and river Elliot in Angus, Scotland. Some other sources suggest it may be derived from a French course of Elias, which is itself derived from the biblical name "Elijah". Yet other sources claim that the Scottish surnames (Eliott, Elliot) originate from the Ellot Scottish border-association, from a transformation of the name Elwold. There are also records in the Domesday Book of the name spelled "Ailiet", idea to originate from an old English language name "Æþelgeat" (significant "noble gate") and leading to the English and Scottish given name spelled "Elyat", which in turn leads to the modern alternative spelling of the name "Elyot".
Information technology is generally agreed that spelling of the surname originated in the early on 13th century as "Eliot" as at that place is reference to "Geoffrey Eliot", Abbot of Hyde, in documents linked to the creation of the Magna Carta.[i]


William the Conqueror's troops landed without encountering whatsoever resistance at Pevensey, near Hastings, on the 28th of September, 1066. The Archers landed first. They wore short habits and had their pilus cut close. Adjacent followed the horsemen wearing steel head pieces, tunics, cuirasses, long spears, and straight two-edged swords. Side by side came the workmen of the army, pioneers, carpenters, and smiths, who unloaded on the strand, slice by piece, three wooded castles framed and prepared beforehand. The Knuckles (William) was the terminal to come ashore. Upon setting his feet upon land, made a false pace and cruel upon his confront. A murmur immediately arose and some voices cried out, "God preserve united states!"
This is a bad sign, simply William, resting, instantly said,
" "What is the matter? What astonished you? I have grasped the country with my hands and past the splendor of God how far so ever it may extend information technology is mine — it is yours."
This chop-chop allayed the effect of the bad omen. Sir William De Aliote, and then holding a distinguished rank in the invading ground forces, drew his sword and swore by the honor of a soldier that he would maintain, at the hazard of his blood, that right.
From this valiant Knight are descended the celebrated Lord Heathfield, the Earls of Minto, the St. Hermains, Sir William Frances, and Elliot of Stobs Baronet. [2]
Fable has it that the extra "t" in Elliott arose when a branch of the Elliots adopted Christianity. Differences in spelling tin can be distinguished in this rhyme:
The double 50 and single T / Descent from Minto and Wolflee, / The double T and single Fifty / Mark the old racce in Stobs that dwell. / The single L and unmarried T / The Eliots of St Germans exist, / Simply double T and double Fifty, / Who they are nobody can tell.
Robert Bell in The Book of Scots-Irish Family Names adds: "For double L and double T, / the Scots should look across the sea!" He pointed out that 71 of 76 births of children by that name in Republic of ireland in 1890 spelt it "Elliott." Elliot(t)s emigrated or were sent to Republic of ireland in the early 17th century after the unification of the English language and Scottish crowns. The Elliot(t)s were notorious reivers – cattle thieves – in the Scottish-English border expanse and, as such, a thorn in the side of both governments. Many settled in county Fermanagh.[1]

Recommended Reads

  • GENEALOGY of the ELLIOTT FAMILY Past Leon D. Elliott. Archive.org
  • Surname Database: Elliott Last Name Origin
  • Familytreecircles: Elliott Family unit Tree and Elliott Genealogy Records
  • Coat of Artillery Database: Elliott Family unit History and Coat Of Arms
  • Firm of Names: Elliott Surname, Family Crest and Coat of Artillery
  • Clan Elliot on Wikipedia
  • Elliott (and Border Reivers) Deoxyribonucleic acid Project: Freepages
  • Elwald to Redheugh
  • Elliot Association Geneology
  1. 1.0 i.one Elliot Name Wikipedia
  2. ↑ GENEALOGY of the ELLIOTT Family unit By Leon D. Elliott. Annal.org


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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: One Name Studies WikiTree and Alex Elliott. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (All-time for messages specifically directed to those editing this contour. Limit 20 per twenty-four hour period.)
  • Public Q&A: These will appear higher up and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)


Source: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Elliott_Name_Study

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