what is the best way to spread diatomaceous earth

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Diatomaceous world is a nifty eco-friendly powder that is used to eradicate lots of different pests—from slugs to mites to fleas and fifty-fifty bedbugs. Use it to care for your yard or garden by applying it every bit a wet mixture or equally a dry powder. Y'all can even utilise it indoors on your carpets, pet bedding, and mattress! Choose food-grade powder for a not-toxic option that will be safe for yous, your family, and your pets while nevertheless being an effective pesticide.

  1. 1

    Make a wet solution to spray on copse and difficult to achieve areas. Sometimes you might have a tree or a department of your thousand that is infected with bugs but that you wouldn't be able to reach to sprinkle powder on the area. In these situations, you tin can make a wet application to spray onto those infected areas.[ane]

    • Go on in heed that this will kill all of the insects on your plants—including any benign ones that might be living in that location.
    • After information technology dries, diatomaceous earth will reduce the number of pests and bugs inside 1 to v days, just depending on the type of pest.
    • In add-on to existence a good option for hard to reach areas, a moisture solution works well in areas that are really windy, as the dry pulverisation would just blow away.

    Did Yous Know: Diatomaceous earth is made from the fossilized remains of algae. When insects come into contact with it, the powder penetrates their bodies and substantially absorbs all of their fat and oil, causing them to dehydrate and die.[2]

  2. 2

    Combine 4 tbsp (lx grams) of food-grade powder with i gallon (three.viii L) of water. Put the diatomaceous earth and the h2o into a container with a lid. Shake the mixture upwardly thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved in the h2o.[iii]

    • Because diatomaceous globe merely works when it'south in pulverization form, it's really important to not dilute it too much. Once information technology'south sprayed on the infected surface area, information technology'll dry and leave behind a thin layer of pulverization, which is what volition actually impale the pests.


  3. 3

    Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle. One time the mixture has been completely combined, go ahead and pour information technology into a spray bottle. If y'all need to cover a big section, apply a garden sprayer to cover more area at once with more control over where the mixture lands.[iv]

    • Buy a handheld sprayer at your local home comeback store. You can buy a bombardment-operated sprayer for about $50 to $100, or get a manual one that you pump yourself for about $fifteen.
  4. 4

    Spray the infected plants with the wet diatomaceous earth on all sides. Take your time to go both the tops and undersides of infected leaves. Spray trunks, stems, and the soil surrounding the base of the institute. Once the mixture dries, the remaining powder volition stick to the plant and create a protective barricade to go on pests and bugs from damaging your plants, killing them along the mode.[5]

    • It should just take 2 to iii hours for the water to evaporate and leave behind the layer of pulverization. Once information technology has evaporated, the powder will start doing its work.
  5. 5

    Reapply the mixture after information technology rains and the powder is washed away. Remember, the diatomaceous earth is only effective when it'due south on the plant in powder form. If the dried layer of powder gets done away in the pelting, spray another coat onto the infected plants or trees.[vi]

    • Once your plant or tree is insect-free, you lot'll simply demand to use the diatomaceous earth whenever you notice pests creeping around once more.


  1. 1

    Use diatomaceous earth in your garden to get rid of unwanted pests. Food-grade diatomaceous world is safe to use in areas where you, your family, and other creatures will come into contact with information technology. It's great to apply to both potted and planted plants, vegetables, flowers, and trees.[seven]

    • Diatomaceous world is a smashing manner to get rid of slugs, worms, mites, spiders, and fleas without potentially harming larger creatures, similar birds, rabbits, or your household pets.

    Tip: You can too use dry diatomaceous earth on potted plants that are indoors.

  2. 2

    Scoop food-grade diatomaceous globe into a garden duster. Utilise a small shovel or a trowel to move the powder from its container to a garden duster. Utilise gentle movements to make as little dust as possible, and wear a disposable mask so that you don't breathe in too much powder and irritate your pharynx.[8]

    • The nutrient-grade pulverization is non-toxic to humans, but animate in the grit tin be irritating, especially if you have asthma or other similar sensitivities.
    • A garden duster is a uncomplicated tool you tin buy at your local habitation improvement store that allows you to disperse pulverization evenly.
  3. 3

    Apply the powder early in the morning time when there is dew on the ground. The slight dampness will assistance the powder stick to the plants and preclude it from blowing away in the wind. You lot could also utilise information technology later in the evening and let information technology work its magic overnight.[9]

    • If the forecast is calling for rain, it would be best to wait for clearer conditions to utilise the diatomaceous earth. Rain will only wash it away and information technology won't be effective at killing pests.
  4. 4

    Shake the powder over the infected plants, vegetables, and leaves. Use your garden squeegee to apply a thin, even layer of pulverization over your yard, garden, or potted plants (you should withal be able to encounter the color of the foliage or the footing through the powder). Sprinkle powder over the tops of the plants equally well as the soil surrounding the base to catch whatsoever new pests that will endeavor to climb up.[10]

    • If you lot do use diatomaceous earth on vegetables, merely make sure to rinse them off thoroughly before you eat them afterward they've been harvested.
  5. 5

    Reapply the powder afterward it rains if your plants are still infested. Diatomaceous earth is only constructive when it'south in its powder form, then once the rain washes it off, it won't be much utilise anymore. If, after a rain, yous observe there are still some lingering pests, go ahead and sprinkle another layer of powder over the infected areas.[eleven]

    • If there's no rain, the pulverisation will last as long as the wind doesn't blow information technology abroad, so information technology could exist good for upwards to 2 to three days earlier you lot would demand to reapply it.
    • Reapplying the powder shouldn't harm your plants at all. Yous can utilize information technology every bit often equally you lot demand with minimal adverse effects. The potential risk is if your plants tin can't receive enough sunlight through the pulverisation and start to await a little yellow. If that happens, stop using the pulverisation for 1 to 2 weeks to allow your plants recover.


  1. 1

    Use diatomaceous earth indoors to deal with fleas and bedbugs. Instead of using chemicals or bug bombs, use food-grade diatomaceous earth to end flea and bed bug infestations. The powder will kill eggs, larvae, and adult bugs, making it a great choice to bargain with these pests that lay eggs that hatch chop-chop.[12]

    • In add-on to using the diatomaceous globe, you'll too need to treat all your linens, clothes, pillows, and other soft materials with hot water and oestrus to brand certain they are make clean, too.
  2. 2

    Sprinkle dry diatomaceous earth over areas that are infected. Consider wearing a face mask while y'all're sprinkling the powder then that it doesn't irritate your throat. Focus on areas that y'all've noticed are infected, like pet bedding, mattresses, box springs, windows sills, baseboards, and carpets. Apply a sparse layer of powder over the entire infected expanse.[xiii] [14]

    • Carpets and pet bedding are the biggest breeding grounds for fleas.

    Tip: Remove items that are pocket-sized enough to be washed in the washing machine before sprinkling the diatomaceous earth, like pet toys, pillows, throw blankets, and stuffed animals.

  3. 3

    Avert being in rooms that have been treated with the powder. The powder is non-toxic, but you don't desire information technology getting all over your dress or in your pilus. If your mattress is currently covered with pulverization, see if you can stay with a friend or use an inflatable mattress—but if it'due south but on the floors, it's fine to slumber in a room where diatomaceous earth has been applied.[15]

    • If y'all treated your carpets with diatomaceous globe and you don't want to track it throughout your home, y'all may want to lay down towels or a plastic tarp so you can walk over the carpeting without spreading the pulverisation effectually your abode.
    • It might be inconvenient for a solar day or so, only before you know information technology your home should exist pest free!
  4. 4

    Vacuum up the pulverisation later on information technology has been sitting for 24 to 48 hours. Fleas start to dice about 24 hours subsequently they come into contact with diatomaceous earth; bedbugs start to dice about 48 hours afterward. Vacuum the powder up really thoroughly—not merely are you cleaning upwards the powder residue, but you're too sweeping up all the dead bugs.[16]

    • If you lot can't look 24 to 48 hours, go out the pulverization for a minimum of 12 hours and plan to repeat the process 3 to 4 more times over the adjacent two weeks to kill whatsoever newly hatching pests.
    • You could even leave the powder for 2 to iii days.
  5. 5

    Reapply the powder after two weeks to impale any remaining bugs. Considering fleas and bedbugs tin mate and lay eggs very quickly, to exist safe you should use a second round of diatomaceous earth after 2 weeks to eradicate any lingering pests. Call up to vacuum upward the pulverization after 24 to 48 hours.[17]

    • Treat pests as soon equally you detect them to keep the problem from getting worse.


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  • Question

    How thin should the layer I apply indoors be?

    Chris Parker

    Chris Parker is the Founder of Parker Eco Pest Control, a sustainable pest control service based in Seattle. He is a certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator in Washington State and received his BA from the University of Washington in 2012.

    Chris Parker

    Founder, Parker Eco Pest Control

    Practiced Answer

    You lot want to do a very, very fine dusting with the powder. If the layer is too thick, insects will just walk around it.

  • Question

    How does diatomaceous earth work?

    Chris Parker

    Chris Parker is the Founder of Parker Eco Pest Command, a sustainable pest control service based in Seattle. He is a certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator in Washington Country and received his BA from the Academy of Washington in 2012.

    Chris Parker

    Founder, Parker Eco Pest Command

    Proficient Answer

    It's basically a very fine powder of fossilized particles that cuts up insects when it comes into contact with their exoskeletons. It's also a desiccant, so it dries out insects.

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  • While food-grade diatomaceous earth isn't toxic to humans, it tin can still irritate your throat if breathed in. While you're applying it, wear a disposable face mask.


  • Don't use puddle-class or feed-grade diatomaceous world on your plants or in your habitation. Only nutrient-class diatomaceous earth is safe for areas you and your family unit will come into contact with.


Things You'll Need

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Measuring spoon
  • H2o
  • Spray bottle or garden sprayer
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Garden duster
  • Small shovel or trowel
  • Disposable face mask
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Disposable face mask
  • Vacuum cleaner

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Apply-Diatomaceous-Earth

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