Catherine of Siena Levels of Glory if a Man Could See Heaven He Would Never Sin Again

The priests' responsibility

"O dearest daughter! Those miserable persons nigh whom I spoke to y'all take no consideration for themselves. If they had, they wouldn't fall into and so many vices, but would live like virtuous persons, who prefer death rather than offend Me, staining their soul or analytical the dignity to which I take raised them, just on the contrary, they increase their souls' dignity and beauty. The dignity itself of the priest is not increased by virtue nor diminished by whatever sin, as I have told yous. Only virtues are an embellishment and give added dignity to the soul across what it possesses from the beginning, when I created it in my prototype and likeness. Those who live thus, know the truth of my goodness, their beauty and nobility, because pride and cocky-dearest have not blinded them nor taken away the light of reason. Not having this cocky-love, they love Me and desire the salvation of souls. Only these spoiled persons, completely deprived of calorie-free, calmly pass from vice to vice, until they fall into the pit.

They have turned the temple of their soul and the holy Church, which is a garden, into a stable for animals. O dearest daughter! How abominable for Me that their dwellings which ought to exist lodging for those who serve Me and for the poor, a identify to have as a married woman their breviary, and as children the books of Sacred Scripture, to please in them in order to exhort their neighbour to atomic number 82 a holy life, but quite to the reverse have turned them into a den of unchaste and wicked persons!

Their spouse is not the breviary. They rather treat this breviary-spouse like an adulterous wife. A devil in the form of a woman's body unchastely lives with him. His herd of children make up his books, and he shamelessly takes please in these offspring begotten and so indecently and wickedly.

At Easter and solemn Days when he should give glory and praise to My Proper noun with the divine Role and offering Me the incense of humble and devout actions, he spends at gaming and entertainment with these creatures of the devil and has a practiced fourth dimension with the laity hunting, as if he were just another lay person or courtier.

O wretched man, to what a level yous have dropped! What you ought to chase are souls for the celebrity and praise of My Proper noun and be in the garden of the Holy Church, and not to go hunting through the wood. Merely yous have become a beast; within you lot have the beasts of many mortal sins. For that reason, you are a hunter of beasts and the orchard of your soul is full of weeds and thorns, since you have acquired a liking for barren country seeking wild beasts. Be ashamed and consider your sins. You have cause to exist ashamed wherever you turn. But yous are not aback, considering you take lost the holy and true fear of Me. Like the prostitute, who has lost shame, you lot will brag about your worldly position, your numerous family and your numerous children.

And if you exercise not have them, you lot try to have them so to be your heirs. You are a highwayman and a thief, because you know perfectly well you cannot bequeath your wealth to them; your heirs are the poor and the Holy Church.

O incarnate devil, spirit without light! You seek what you ought not seek. You boast and brag about what ought to be for you motive of confusion and shame before Me, who see the innermost of your heart, and before creatures. You are truly blind and the horns of your pride do not permit yous to recognize your own blindness.

O dearest daughter! I have placed y'all on the bridge of the doctrine of my truth so that he might serve you, o pilgrims, and administer you the sacraments of the holy Church building, but he stays in the miserable river below the bridge immersed in the pleasures and miseries of the globe. There he exercises his ministry building, without noticing the wave that drags him to death and he goes with the devils, his masters, whom he has served and by whom he has been openly guided, along the river. If he does non amend his life, he will be eternally condemned with keen reprimand and reproach, that your natural language would be incapable of referring. And he, due to his priestly part, much more than whatsoever other lay person. For this reason the same sin is punished more in him than in i who would have stayed in the globe. At the moment of death his enemies volition accuse him more terribly, every bit I have told you. "

St. Catherine of Siena, Md of the Church building: The Dialogue, 130.


O God, Y'all choose the fragile and ignorant to confound the wise and mighty. Nosotros beseech You lot to raise upward in our times men and women, who post-obit St. Catherine'southward example, are full of ardent dear for the Church and the Pope. Let them persevere in prayer so that the shepherds of Christ'due south flock may be truthful guardians and not hirelings. We ask you lot this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen

By Ateneo Pontificio "Regina Apostolorum"


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