Continuity is Uniform on Compact Sets
Sets, Functions and Metric Spaces
Alexander S. Poznyak , in Advanced Mathematical Tools for Automatic Control Engineers: Deterministic Techniques, Volume 1, 2008
Remark 14.4
The difference between the concepts of continuity and uniform continuity concerns two aspects:
- (a)
uniform continuity is a property of a function on a set, whereas continuity is defined for a function in a single point;
- (b)
participating in the definition (14.50) of continuity, is a function of and a point p, that is, , whereas , participating in the definition (14.17) of the uniform continuity, is a function of only serving for all points of a set (space) , that is .
Evidently, any uniformly continued function is continuous but not inverse. The next theorem shows when both concepts coincide.
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Elements of Mathematical Methods
Riccardo Sacco , ... Aurelio Giancarlo Mauri , in A Comprehensive Physically Based Approach to Modeling in Bioengineering and Life Sciences, 2019
2.2.2 Uniform Continuity, Absolute Continuity, Lipschitz Continuity, and Integrability
Definition 2.18 Uniform continuity
A function is said to be uniformly continuous in I if the property in Definition 2.13 holds for δ depending only on ε and not on . This means that for every there exists a such that for every the following holds:
Definition 2.19
We denote by the set of real-valued functions satisfying Definition 2.18.
It is important to emphasize that the properties of the domain I on which the function is defined play a very important role in determining the continuity properties of the function f. For example, if I is an open set, then the notions of continuity and uniform continuity are not equivalent, as illustrated in Example 2.10 below. Conversely, if I is a compact set, namely, a closed and bounded set, then the Heine–Cantor theorem guarantees the equivalence between continuity and uniform continuity.
Theorem 2.7 Heine–Cantor
Let be a compact set, namely, closed and bounded. If is continuous in I, then it is also uniformly continuous.
Thus, in general, the set of uniformly continuous functions is just a subset of all continuous functions. However, if I is compact, the two sets coincide, as stated by the following lemma.
Lemma 2.1
Given , . If I is compact, then .
Definition 2.20 Absolute continuity
The function is said to be absolutely continuous in I if for every there exists such that for any countable collection of nonoverlapping subintervals of I the following implication holds:
Definition 2.21
We denote by the set of real-valued functions satisfying Definition 2.20.
The following proposition establishes an equivalence between absolute continuity and Lebesgue integrability for a function f defined on a compact subset of . This property will be extremely useful when setting the foundation of continuum-based modeling approaches in Chapter 5.
Theorem 2.8 Fundamental theorem of Lebesgue integral calculus
The following conditions on a real-valued function f on a closed and bounded interval are equivalent:
- 1.
f is absolutely continuous;
- 2.
f has a derivative defined almost everywhere on , the derivative is Lebesgue integrable, and
- 3.
there exists a Lebesgue integrable function g defined on such that
The following property regarding the integral of continuous functions will be very useful when deriving the balance laws in local form starting from their integral formulations; see Chapter 7.
Lemma 2.2
Let and let f be a continuous function in . Then
Note that the converse is obvious.The concept of bounded variation will be very useful in the following examples to assess the absolute continuity of a given function. To this end, given , let us consider finite collections of closed intervals , with , and for . We denote by the set of all such collections, so that
with denoting the set of integers. A partition is an element such that .
Definition 2.22 Bounded variation
The function is said to be of bounded variation if
is finite; is called the total variation of f on .Definition 2.23
We denote by the set of real-valued functions satisfying Definition 2.22.
The following proposition states that, on compact sets, the property of bounded variation is a necessary condition for absolute continuity. Thus, if a function defined on a compact set does not have bounded variation it cannot be absolutely continuous. This property will come handy in Example 2.11.
Proposition 2.5
Given , the following property holds:
Another important notion of continuity is provided by the so-called Lipschitz continuity, which plays a crucial role in the well-posedness of initial value problems for differential equations (see Chapter 3).
Definition 2.24 Lipschitz continuity
The function is said to be uniformly Lipschitz continuous (or simply Lipschitz continuous) in I if there exists a positive constant (called Lipschitz constant of f) such that
A function is said to be locally Lipschitz continuous if the condition (2.64) holds only in the neighborhood of a given point .Definition 2.25
We denote by the set of real-valued functions satisfying Definition 2.24.
The various notions of continuity listed above define functions with increasing levels of smoothness, as stated by the proposition below.
Proposition 2.6
Given , the following property holds:
If , then the following property holds:
Since the whole theory of mathematical modeling based on the continuum approach presented in this book stems from the pivotal assumption that mass and charge can be represented mathematically as absolutely continuous functions, we will dwell a little more on these different notions of continuity. In the following, we utilize four examples to illustrate the concrete implications of each continuity requirement. As schematized in Fig. 2.8, we are going to consider:
Figure 2.8. The notions of continuity, uniform continuity, absolute continuity, and Lipschitz continuity define functions with increasing levels of smoothness. The functions g i , with i = 1,…,4, are specific examples of functions that are discussed in the text.
- •
a function that is not continuous (see Example 2.9);
- •
a function that is continuous but not uniformly continuous (see Example 2.10);
- •
a function that is uniformly continuous but not absolutely continuous (see Example 2.11);
- •
a function that is absolutely continuous but not Lipschitz continuous (see Example 2.12).
The four functions , , are graphed in Fig. 2.9.
Figure 2.9. This figure illustrates the four functions g i , i = 1,…,4, that are used in the examples about the property of continuity. Top, left panel: g 1(x). Top, right panel: g 2(x). Bottom, left panel: g 3(x). Bottom, right panel: g 4(x).
Example 2.9
The function , also known as step function, graphed in Fig. 2.9 (top, left) and defined as
is not continuous in I. Intuitively, a function is not continuous if we need to lift our pencil off the paper when drawing it.Proof
The function is not continuous in I because it is not continuous at . This is due to the fact that the left and right limits do not coincide, namely,
Example 2.10
The function graphed in Fig. 2.9 (top, right) and defined as
is continuous but not uniformly continuous on I . Intuitively, uniform continuity guarantees that and are as close to each other as we please by requiring only that and are sufficiently close to each other, regardless of where and are located on I. Note that the interval on which the function is defined is not compact.Proof
The continuity of follows from the fact that it is differentiable in I. Indeed, its derivative is the function , which is defined at each point in I. Next, we show that is not uniformly continuous by means of a counterexample, namely, by showing that
For example, let and consider and for any so that
Since the interval I has unitary width, we can safely assume that ; this assumption, combined with the definition of , implies that
thereby proving that is not uniformly continuous. □
Example 2.11
The function , graphed in Fig. 2.9 (bottom, left) and defined as
is uniformly continuous but it is not absolutely continuous. Intuitively, a function that is not absolutely continuous is not regular enough to be written as the integral of some function.Proof
The uniform continuity of follows from Theorem 2.7, since is continuous on a compact interval. Next, we show that is not absolutely continuous by means of Proposition 2.5, namely, showing that does not have bounded variation. To this end, let us consider the partition with
with N odd. Then the variation of on the partition is given by
Since the above series diverges as , the total variation of f over is not finite. Thus, Proposition 2.5 implies that is not absolutely continuous. □Example 2.12
The function , graphed in Fig. 2.9 (bottom, right) and defined as
is absolutely continuous but not Lipschitz continuous in I. Intuitively, a Lipschitz continuous function has an upper bound for the slope of its tangent at any point that prevents the function from changing too rapidly.Proof
The absolute continuity of follows from Proposition 2.8, since (i) it is defined on a compact interval; (ii) its derivative defined as is defined for every ; and (iii) the following relation holds:
Next, we prove that is not Lipschitz continuous by showing that it is not possible to find a positive constant independent of and satisfying condition (2.64). To this end, let us consider the sequence
Note that for all positive integers. Considering condition (2.64) with , , and , we evaluate the ratio
to find that it becomes unbounded as , thereby preventing the function from being Lipschitz continuous. □
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Elements of Stability Theory
Alexander S. Poznyak , in Advanced Mathematical Tools for Automatic Control Engineers: Deterministic Techniques, Volume 1, 2008
Suppose that such function V (t, x) exists. Show that as whenever is small enough, that is, show that for any there exists such that for all . Notice that by the uniform continuity V (t,x) and by Corollary 20.1 all trajectories of (20.1) remain within the region where if . So, the function remains bounded too. Suppose that does not converge to zero. By monotonicity of , this means that there exists and a moment such that for all we have . Since W (t, x) is a positive-definite function, it follows that
for all and, hence, by (20.20) we have
which contradicts the condition that V (t, x) is a positive-definite function. The fact that this result is uniform on t 0 follows from Corollary 20.1. Theorem is proven.
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Selected Topics of Real Analysis
Alexander S. Poznyak , in Advanced Mathematical Tools for Automatic Control Engineers: Deterministic Techniques, Volume 1, 2008
Theorem 16.10. (First sufficient (Riemann's) condition)
Assume that α ↑ on [a, b]. If for any ε > 0 there exists a partition Pε of [a, b] such that Pn is finer than P ε implies
then f ∈ R [a,b] (α).
Since by α ↑ on [a, b] we have
In view of (16.75) this means that S (Pn, f, α) has a limit when n → ∞ which, by the definition (15.11), is the Riemann–Stieltjes integral. Theorem is proven.
Theorem 16.11(Second sufficient condition)
If f is continuous on [a, b] and α is of bounded variation on [a, b], then f ∈ R [a,b] (α).
Since by (15.55) any α of bounded variation can be represented as α (x) = α+ (x) − α− (x) (where α+ ↑ on [a, b] and α− ↑ on [a, b]), it suffices to prove the theorem when α ↑ on [a, b] with α (a) < α (b). Continuity of f on [a, b ] implies uniform continuity, so that if ε > 0 is given, we can find δ = δ (ε) > 0 such that |x − y| < δ implies |f (x) − f (y)| < ε/A where A = 2 [α (b) − α (a)]. If Pε is a partition with the biggest interval less than δ, then any partition Pn finer than Pε gives
Multiplying (16.76) by Δ α i and summing, we obtain
So, Riemann's condition (16.75) holds. Theorem is proven.
Corollary 16.4
For the special case of the Riemann integral when α (x) = x Theorem 16.11 together with (15.23) state that each of the following conditions is sufficient for the existence of the Riemann integral :
- 1.
f is continuous on [a, b];
- 2.
f is of bounded variation on [a, b].
The following theorem represents the criterion (the necessary and sufficient condition) for the Riemann integrability.
Theorem 16.12. (Lebesgue's criterion for integrability)
Let f be defined and bounded on [a, b]. Then it is the Riemann integrable on [a, b], which is f ∈ R [a,b] (x), if and only if f is continuous almost everywhere on [a, b].
Necessity can be proven by contradiction assuming that the set of discontinuity has a nonzero measure and demonstrating that in this case f is not integrable. Sufficiency can be proven by demonstrating that Riemann's condition (16.75) (when α (x) = x) is satisfied assuming that the discontinuity points have measure zero. The detailed proof can be found in Apostol (1974).
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Computational Methods for Modelling of Nonlinear Systems
In Mathematics in Science and Engineering, 2007
Example 2
[26] Let X be the space of sequences
with ξ → 0 and set
Suppose that ω ⊂ X consists of all sequences of the form
where σi is + 1 or −1. The set ω belongs to the unit ball of the space X and is closed.
We define a functional f on ω; by
Since we have
for distinct points y′, y″ ∈ ω;, the functional f is uniformly continuous. It is easily extended to the unit ball in X with preservation of uniform continuity.
be a subspace of X. We make no distinction between this space and the space . The restriction of a polynomial functional pn of degree n on Xm is a polynomial in m variables of degree not greater than n. Therefore if
is the set of vertices of the M –dimensional cube [−1, 1] m and if fm is the restriction of the functional f to ωm, then for any polynomial pn of degree n and for any m, the inequality
holds, where En (fm ) is the best uniform approximation of fm by polynomials in m variables of degree n.
The function fm is odd with respect to each argument, and in the set of all best-approximation polynomials of this function, there also exists an odd polynomial with respect to each argument. In particular, for m > n the zero polynomial is the best approximation polynomial, since this is the unique polynomial of degree n of m variables which is odd with respect to all arguments, and therefore
for m > n.
Thus for any polynomial function pn, we have
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Existence and Uniqueness Revisited
Morris W. Hirsch , ... Robert L. Devaney , in Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos (Third Edition), 2013
17.4 Extending Solutions
Suppose we have two solutions of the differential equation where F is C 1. Suppose also that Y(t) and Z(t) satisfy and that both solutions are defined on an interval J about t 0. Now the Existence and Uniqueness Theorem guarantees that Y(t) = Z(t) for all t in an interval about t 0 that may a priori be smaller than J. However, this is not the case.
To see this, suppose that J* is the largest interval on which Y(t) = Z(t). If , there is an endpoint t 1 of J* and . By continuity, we have . Now the uniqueness part of the theorem guarantees that, in fact, Y(t) and Z(t) agree on an interval containing t 1. This contradicts the assertion that J* is the largest interval on which the two solutions agree.
Thus we can always assume that we have a unique solution defined on a maximal time domain. There is, however, no guarantee that a solution X(t) can be defined for all time. For example, the differential equation
has as solutions the functions for any constant c. Such a function cannot be extended over an interval larger than
since as .
Next, we investigate what happens to a solution as the limits of its domain are approached. We state the result only for the right-hand limit; the other case is similar.
Let be open, and let be C 1 . Let be a solution of defined on a maximal open interval with . Then, given any compact set , there is some with .
This theorem says that if a solution Y(t) cannot be extended to a larger time interval, then this solution leaves any compact set in . This implies that, as , either Y(t) accumulates on the boundary of or else a subsequence tends to ∞ (or both).
Suppose for all . Since F is continuous and is compact, there exists M > 0 such that for all .
Let . We claim that Y extends to a continuous function . To see this, it suffices to prove that Y is uniformly continuous on J. For we have
This proves uniform continuity on J. Thus we may define
We next claim that the extended curve is differentiable at and is a solution of the differential equation. We have
where we have used uniform continuity of F(Y(s)). Therefore,
for all t between γ and β. Thus Y is differentiable at β, and, in fact, . Therefore, Y is a solution on . Since there must then be a solution on an interval for some , we can extend Y to the interval . Thus could not have been a maximal domain of a solution. This completes the proof of the theorem.
This important fact follows immediately from the preceding theorem.
Let be a compact subset of the open set and let be C 1 . Let and suppose that every solution curve of the form with lies entirely in . Then there is a solution satisfying , and for all t ≥ 0, so this solution is defined for all (forward) time.
Given these results, we can now give a slightly stronger theorem on the continuity of solutions in terms of initial conditions than the result discussed in Section 17.3. In that section we assumed that both solutions were defined on the same interval. In the next theorem we drop this requirement. The theorem shows that solutions starting at nearby points are defined on the same closed interval and also remain close to each other on this interval.
Let be C 1 . Let Y(t) be a solution of that is defined on the closed interval , with . There is a neighborhood of Y 0 and a constant K such that, if , then there is a unique solution Z(t) also defined on with . Moreover, Z satisfies
for all .
For the proof of the preceding theorem, will need the following lemma.
If is locally Lipschitz and is a compact set, then is Lipschitz.
Suppose not. Then for every k > 0, no matter how large, we can find X and Y in with
In particular, we can find such that
Since is compact, we can choose convergent subsequences of the X n and Y n . Relabeling, we may assume and with X* and Y* in . Note that we must have , since, for all n,
where M is the maximum value of on . There is a neighborhood of X* on which has Lipschitz constant K. Also there is an n 0 such that if . Therefore, for ,
which contradicts the assertion just made for . This proves the lemma.
The proof of the theorem now goes as follows.
By compactness of , there exists such that if for some . The set of all such points is a compact subset of . The C 1 map F is locally Lipschitz, as we saw in Section 17.2. By the lemma, it follows that has a Lipschitz constant K.
Let be so small that and . We claim that if , then there is a unique solution through Z 0 defined on all of . First of all, since , so there is a solution Z(t) through Z 0 on a maximal interval . We claim that because, if we suppose , then, by Gronwall's Inequality, for all , we have
Thus Z(t) lies in the compact set . By the preceding results, could not be a maximal solution domain. Therefore, Z(t) is defined on . The uniqueness of Z(t) then follows immediately. This completes the proof.
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M.L.J. Hautu , ... Ronald J. Stern , in Dynamical Systems, 1977
4.6 Theorem
Consider system 1.1 with n = 2 and assume the following hold:
- (a)
f(x,u) is continuous in both arguments for all and
- (b)
For all the set f(x,Ω) is compact and convex.
Assume that for an admissible control u ε UΩ there exists a solution ϕu (t) which for some T > 0 is a proper parametrization of a Jordan curve K on [0,T]. If K has no Ω-rest states of 1.1 then for each there exists such that .
Assume that K has no Ω-rest states of 1.1, i.e., the vector field V defined by V(x): = f(x,Ω) is regular on K.
For ɛ > 0 and all define
Clearly and by the continuity of V and the compactness of K, there exists an ɛ > 0 such that Vɛ is also regular on K. Since V(x) ⊂ Vɛ (x) for all it is clear that ρK (Vɛ) = ρK (v) where v is any continuous selection of V. By Lemma 4.4 and the fact that every constant control provides a continuous selection of f(.,Ω), the proof will be complete upon showing that ρK(Vɛ) ≠ 0. By Lemma 4.5 this will be accomplished if we can show that for sufficiently small δ > 0, wδ(t): = δ−1 [ϕu (t+δ)-ϕu (t)] ∈ Vɛ (ϕu (t)) for all 0 ≤ t ≤ T (with ϕu being extended periodically outside the interval [0,T]). In view of the uniform continuity of V (and of ϕ u) on K there clearly exists a δ > 0 such that V(ϕu (τ)) ⊂ Vɛ (ϕ(t)) for all t ε [0,T] and all τ such that |t-τ| < δ. Now suppose that for some to ε [0,T]. Then there exists a vector c ≠ 0 and a number α such that 〈c,wδ(to)〉 > α and 〈c,y〉 ≤ α for all y ε Vɛ (ϕu (to)).
Since V(ϕu (t)) ⊂ Vɛ (ϕu (to)) for all t0 ≤ t ≤ t0 + δ and since a.e., it follows that
a contradiction. This completes the proof.
As a consequence of Theorem 4.6 we also have
4.7 Theorem
Consider system 1.1 with n = 2 and assume 4.6a and 4.6b hold. Assume that for some admissible control u ∈ UΩ and some T > 0 there exists a solution ϕu (t) of 1.1 defined on [0,T] such that ϕu (T) = ϕu (0). Then SCH(L) contains an Ω-rest state of 1.1 where L: = {ϕu (t) |0≤t≤T} is the trajectory of ϕu.
The proof of Theorem 4.7 as well as that of the following Theorem can be found in HAUTUS, HEYMANN and STERN [1976].
4.8 Theorem
Consider system 1.1 with n = 2, and assume that 4.6a and 4.6b hold. Let be a compact, simply connected and locally connected subset. If for some admissible control u ∈ UΩ there exists a solution ϕu (t) of 1.1 which is contained in S for all t ∈ [0,∞), then S contains an Ω-rest state.
Theorem 4.5 implies the interesting fact that under conditions 4.6a and 4.6b, a planar control system (i.e., n = 2) has Ω-rest states whenever there are bounded trajectories. If 4.6b fails to hold then 1.1 may not have any Ω-rest states in the plane even when there exist bounded trajectories as the following example illustrates
When n ≥ 3, the existence of bounded trajectories no longer insures the existence of Ω-rest states even when 4.6a and 4.6b hold. Indeed, this can be verified to be the case in the system
which has bounded trajectories (e.g. starting at , zo = 0 under the constant control u(t) ≡ 0) but has no Ω-rest states at all.
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